A Whole New Society with Genetic Engineering (3)

Does anyone think African American and white American can ever consider themselves equal?  With genetic engineering, that could be possible and may be inevitable.  If genetic engineering were to ever advance to the norm, ethnicity will not be the case but the people who received the enhancement treatment and the people who did not.  For what genetic engineering could do for the people and the world, I am easily willing to say that such society is worth the cost.  Fewer people will die and suffer from diseases and injuries.

In my opinion, discrimination is everywhere, even among people’s own ethnicity.  For an example, North and South Koreans are both Koreans, but they all hate each other and kill each other.  Discrimination is definitely present among different ethnicity such white and black people.  If advanced genetic engineering were to be true, this world would be much more stable in my opinion.

I actually watched a movie for this topic.  The movie is Gattaca.  This movie shows how bad discrimination would be if genetic engineering were to advance to the point where the humans could be born with the best possible traits from his or her parents.  Discrimination was not present among the ethnicity but between the engineered and the normal people.

Overall, I believe that in this world, conflicts between people will always arise and will always be present.  Even though I know the outcome of advanced genetic engineering in humans, I still support it since many people’s lives would be saved and many others would be improved.

Benefits of Genetic Engineering (2)

Can anyone imagine the wonders of genetic engineering?  I have.  How would everyone feel if they perceive themselves and are known by others as perfect?  Imagine being the smartest, strongest, and the most attractive person in class.  With the development of genetic engineering, I believe that human perfection is possible.  Of course, nothing in this world will be 100% perfect but very close to it.  Genetic engineering has more to offer than improving humans.

Genetic engineering can cure the incurable.  As many people have heard, with genetic engineering, scientists can create a fully functional organ for the people who desperately needs.  A friend of mine, James Pock, needs a heart for heart transplant for his father, but the total cost adds up to a quarter of a million dollars!  That is only the second part of the problem.  He cannot find a heart.  Think about it.  With genetic engineering, he could have easily obtained a healthy heart for his father, but James is tormented by the fact that he has to watch his father die slowly.  Human lives are more important than a mere moral view in my opinion.

Genetic engineering, as many people know, does not only improve humans but also the nature.  For an example, many farm animals suffer from high heat.  In the video that I have posted below, the chickens were genetically engineered to have no feathers.  Since those chickens did not have feathers, the owner did not have to worry about cooling down the chickens.

This technology, hopefully, will be our future medicine and tool.  See how useful genetic engineering is to us.

What would God think about genetic engineering in humans? (1)

Why do many people say genetic engineering in humans is like “playing God?”  I wonder.  From my understanding, humans can never be God.  Humans cannot create mass out of nothing.  Humans cannot even walk on water.  But humans can perform genetic engineering, yet this action is considered “playing God?”  If that was the case, I guess everyone who made medicines are considered to be playing God.  Medicine changes the function in the body and sometimes, kill.  Like any other medicines, genetic engineering is just a medicine and a tool.

Many people who have diseases and injuries are not living their lives to the fullest, suffering, and in some cases dying.  No medicine or technology in this world have yet cured any hereditary diseases, but with genetic engineering, people can live a healthy life.  If humans are able to accomplish such task, how is genetic engineering playing God?

What people should fear is not God, but how genetic engineering is used.  For every technology that is used for good could be used for evil.  For an example, guns could be used to defend a home or a country, but a gun can also be used to murder.  Making guns should be considered playing God since whoever holds a gun has the person’s life within his finger.

Playing with nature does not sound too pleasing, but improving nature sounds good, right?  Genetic engineering is a perfect tool and a perfect medicine.  Open your minds, and rethink this.  Humans are able to perform genetic engineering.  Could this possibly be playing God?

Genetic Engineering in Humans

What is genetic engineering?  Ever since I have thought about perfection, genetic engineering greatly interested me.  Just imagine.  Doing extremely well in school.  Doing extremely well in sports.  Also imagine a cure for cancer.

Yes, genetic engineering may have huge consequences during the process of experiments, but once scientist have past that stage and gain more knowledge about genetic engineering, humans would be better equipped to fight diseases and possibly become 99% perfect.